Celeb Trainer Reveals...
The Little Known Method That Quickly Burns Up To 30 Pounds of Fat And Gets You The Best Physical Shape Of Your Life By Doing Less...?
From The Desk of Rob Piscitello
RE: Lose Belly Fat Fast

If you’ve struggled to lose belly fat, tried various training programs, worked with personal trainers, tried every diet, pill, potion, or powder imaginable, and still have nothing to show for, then you’re about to read the most important letter of your life. 

Here's why…
It’s Not Your Fault that you’re still overweight and skinny fat...

You have been lied to by the fitness industry!
The billion-dollar health and fitness industry has fed you:

Unrealistic promises, gimmick training programs, metabolism wrecking cardio prescriptions, watered-down supplements, and unsustainable crash diets.

On top of that, you are left getting advice from wet-behind-the-ear personal trainers whose average lifespan is a mere 6-12 months in the fitness industry before bouncing to the next job, or even worse, some roided up Instagram “Online Coach” that you naively stumbled upon.
Learn How To Use The GBC Method To Lose Fat and Build Muscle
The Right Way…
The GBC Method flies in the face of everything you’ve heard from gym bro's, fitness gurus, "Hollywood" trainers, and health magazines that advise you to do the following…  
  • A typical “bro” split routine (aka Chest on Monday, Shoulders on Tuesday, Back on Wednesday, Biceps/Triceps on Thursday, Skip leg day...)
  • Train like an athlete
  • Train 5-7x/week for at least an hour in order to see results
  • Do 30 minutes of cardio directly before your weights
  • Perform high reps and light weights for the pump
  • Take long rest periods to ensure full recovery
  • Combine random supersets just for the sake of it
  • Always perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps per exercise
  • Follow starvation diets that have you losing muscle instead of belly fat
  • Follow training programs with no progression
  • Pump yourself full of mysterious supplements that drain your wallet and damage your health
  • Perform hours of cardio on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning
  • Become a food nazi and isolate yourself from social engagements
  • Cut out all carbs from your diet, especially after 6 pm
Stick with me just a few short minutes and I’ll reveal to you how you can finally

But First Let Me Share With You..
How a “Near Death Workout Experience” 
Helped Me Uncover This Groundbreaking Fat Loss Method... 
At least that's how it felt by round 3, or else I wouldn't be here to share this… 
I’ll never forget my first time…
My forearms were burning furiously, I could barely grasp the heavy steel dumbbells any longer. Sweat gushing down my forehead and stings my eyes, I can barely see...
Right after I finish my last superset
abruptly drop to a knee sucking for wind.
I hear the beep of my coach’s military-grade watch as he starts the rest timer on me. 
“30 seconds left, you good, Rob?!” I couldn't tell him I had gassed out after just 3 supersets... 
I couldn't afford to show weakness. I dug deep and attacked the next series with everything I had left.
When I finished my body was in absolute metabolic shock!  
This was by far the most effective full-body workout I ever performed.
I was hooked.
The Next day I asked my coach what the heck he put me through as I could still feel the heat steaming from my body.
He told me it was a German Body Composition workout and explained the physiological effectiveness behind this method.
He told me it’s one of his best-kept secrets for getting rapid transformation results for his busy executive clients who can’t spend more than 3-4 times a week in the gym.
After being so impressed with how powerful German Body Composition Training was I decided to go through a 12-week GBC training program myself...

 The Results I Achieved Were Nothing Short of Groundbreaking!

So What Exactly is The GBC Method?
GBC stands for German Body Composition. It's a little-known and very specific style of full-body training that only the world's elite trainers know about. When you learn it and use it you’ll be amazed how quickly you can lose fat and build muscle.

The secret behind GBC’s effectiveness is using strategic supersets in which you alternate lower body and upper body exercises, using big bang for the buck exercises, with a high total time under tension, high training volume, and short rest intervals.

With all of these training variables combined you will:
  • Super Charge Growth Hormone Production: GBC workouts cause a massive lactic acid build-up in the body. The more lactic acid produced during your workout, the more growth hormone you'll produce, and the more fat you’ll burn. 
  • Skyrocket Your Metabolism: Using big bang for the buck lifts with high volume, high time under tension, and short rest periods gives you a huge calorie burn.
  • Accelerate Fat Loss: More work in less time will boost your body's physiology to burn more fat 
  • ​Train Harder and Heavier: Alternating opposing lower body and upper body exercises minimizes local muscle fatigue, allowing you to push harder for longer
  • Improve Cardiovascular Conditioning: The workouts are fast-paced and will have you gasping for air at times. They are a true test of your conditioning!
  • ​Get Strong FAST: You’ll get really strong at key exercises and continuously increase your weekly output, which means more results really fast.
  • ​Build More Muscle: Every workout is full body so you train the right body parts more frequently. Science shows that increasing training frequency of a muscle group is the fastest way to build more muscle.
  • Save Time: Around 45 minutes per workout using only 6-8 key exercises. Smart and strategic is the name of the game
Why Is It Called “German” Body Composition?
During the Cold War, a sports scientist named Hala Rambie defected to Germany. At the time he was researching the effects of exercise on human growth hormone production. He discovered and popularized the concept that the lactic acid pathway is superior for boosting growth hormone levels. Later, American researchers expanded on this research and developed protocols around these principles. 
The basis of this research is that when blood lactate are elevated through exercise you get a resulting boost in growth hormone production.
Growth Hormone Is Key To Transforming Your Body
The rich and famous, the world's most elite athletes, and fitness models are all after it. It's a peptide-based hormone produced in the pituitary gland deep within the brain. 

It is extremely potent at shrinking fat cells and stimulating lean muscle growth. 

It promotes a variety of benefits in the body including:
  • Muscle mass and strength increases 
  • Fat burning and weight loss
  • Better recovery and healing
  • Stronger bones
  • More stamina
  • Improved sex drive
  • Tightening of saggy skin and wrinkle reduction
The Best Way To Burn Fat...
The GBC Method is a targeted style of full-body training that stimulates maximum amounts of lactate during your workouts. When high levels of lactic acid are present in the blood, your body signals for a surge in growth hormone to prevent your blood ph from dropping from the high levels of lactic acid in the blood.

As a result, your body produces Growth Hormone in OVERTIME. The growth hormone circulates throughout your entire body, enters your fat cells, and forces them into oxidation, creating the ultimate fat-burning effect.

Simply put, this GH boost maximizes fat-burning and muscle-building capabilities. You get all the benefits, regardless of your age, and without any of the high risks or costs from dangerous steroid injections.
If You’re Looking To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle At The Same Time, 
This Information Is Critical...

Here's Why I Can Make You This Promise...  

My name is Rob Piscitello, I'm a celeb trainer and nutritionist who's worked with hundreds of clientele ranging from pro athletes, actors, military special forces, CEOs, fitness competitors, to stay-at-home moms. 

I’ve been using The GBC Method as my secret weapon to get my clients incredible body transformation results in minimal time.

I'm also a WBFF Pro Physique competitor, fitness model, and my degree is in Exercise Physiology. So you can say I know a thing or two about getting in shape...

Now that I’ve introduced myself let me briefly tell you who this powerful method is NOT for
Sorry, I can’t help you if you’re looking for…
  • A magical fat burning pill
  • Hours of hamster wheel cardio sessions
  • A fat loss halting crash diet
  • Dangerous and expensive drugs
  • Testosterone plummeting workouts
  • A Bodyweight home routine
  • A Cookie cutter program
With The GBC Method You Will…
  • Train using full body fat burning workouts
  • Follow a 12 week, 3 phase periodized program
  • Take only research proven supplements
  • Use a variety of rep ranges and tempo every workout
  • Save time with 45 minute workouts only 4x per week
  • Structure your nutrition so you build muscle while in a calorie deficit
  • Supercharge your #1 fat burning hormone - Growth Hormone
  • Alternate the intensity and volume of your workouts every 2 week
  • Train with multi joint movements and incomplete rest recovery periods
  • Become bigger and stronger while getting leaner
  • Eat carbs and still lose fat
Before we get too far, let me show you my most recent GBC students after they SWORE they’ve tried every other program and diet out there

Now Its Your Turn To Start Your Transformation Today!

The GBC Method
You get an entire 12-week step-by-step program that is simple to follow and easy to implement. You can instantly download the entire program to your laptop/mobile phone and get started today and have lifetime access
So Here's What you’ll be getting inside The GBC Method
  • 12 Weeks of Carefully Crafted, Easy to Follow Workout Programs - Train using full body routines to maximize fat loss and muscle building! Over the course of 12 weeks, you will go through 3 separate and different 4-week training phases. There are 2 programs to choose from depending on your skill level. In total you have 24 weeks of workouts!
  • Body Recomposition Nutrition Guide - Learn EXACTLY how to structure your nutrition so you actually build lean muscle while losing fat. I show you how you need to be eating to maximize your hormones, shed stubborn fat, and build rock hard muscle.
  • Definitive Supplement Guide - This guide will show you research-supported supplements to accelerate your body recomposition. I tell you exactly what to take to maximize your results and your budget.
  • Training Journal - A dedicated log for you to document your progress on a weekly basis to ensure you are progressing.
  • Quick Start Guide - A step by step guide telling you exactly what to do at every point over the next 12 weeks.
Here's How To Order Right Now
Go ahead and click the buy now button and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!
Today’s Price: $47
Regular Price: $97 (Save 50%!)
Your order is risk-free because of our 60-day no questions asked guarantee.
As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders
Recent GBC Users Reported...
What You Can Expect When Putting GBC Training Into Action
  • Blast more fat than ever with full body training
  • Body composition results so powerful that your friends and family wont believe it!
  • No longer busting your ass in the gym with nothing to show!
  • Making pumped arms and ripped abs a daily event!
  • Getting regular compliments from your peers
  • Knowing exactly what to do every time you step in the gym
  • Shredding pounds of fat WITHOUT cardio
  • Becoming a physically and mentally stronger version of yourself
  • And so much more!
Inside The G.B.C. Method You Will Discover:
  • Why You should forget the scale when it comes to body composition
  • Which exercises you must pair up for the fastest fat loss and muscle building
  • 9 unique training protocols for maximum body composition
  • How to increase your growth hormone up to 400% 
  • 7 essential tips to sleep like a baby and harness your hormones
  • 5 foundational supplements for a lean muscular body
  • 4 key nutrition strategies for fast fat loss
  • 8 enemies holding you back from unlocking your natural growth hormone
Today’s Price: $47

To your success.... 

Rob Piscitello

B.S. Exercise Science
PICP Level 3
BioSignature Practitioner level2
WBFF Pro Fitness Model 

P.S. - Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow. Take action now and get in the best shape of your life!

Act now before the price goes up!
© Rob Piscitello/ The GBC Method / Robpiscitellofitness.com / Pisc Performance - All Rights Reserved

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